Our Stress Testing and Guaranty Fund framework will assess potential risk exposure of Clearing Members in extreme, but plausible market scenarios and will be utilised to determine the size of the Guaranty Fund.
The Risk team performs daily Stress Testing analysis to monitor such exposures and continuously assess the sufficiency of total financial resources, and may be performed more frequently where the Risk department observes material and/or recurring trends of intra-day exposures and/or portfolio compositions.
On an annual basis, the Risk department will lead a comprehensive review of the Stress Testing framework, including an independent assessment and validation of the primary components.
Primary parameters that will affect the Guaranty Fund size include:
Monthly calculation of Guaranty Fund required contribution for each Clearing Member is based on function of each individual Clearing Member's positions.
Along with Clearing Member's contributions, Abaxx Clearing will contribute an amount at least equal to 25% of the total Guaranty Fund size, at times referred to as ‘Skin-in-the-Game’ (SITG) with the first layer of the SITG earmarked to be utilised before the non-defaulted Clearing Member contributions.
Guaranty Fund (GF) Resources (“Default Waterfall”) during a Clearing Member (CM) default: