Abaxx Exchange



Risk Management


Our risk management framework is informed and guided by international principles established by CPMI-IOSCO, the Financial Stability Board, the BCBS, as well as industry best practices.

Abaxx adheres to risk and regulatory requirements for approved clearing houses set out by the MAS in the Securities and Futures Act.

The Risk team is responsible for:

  •   Performing routine risk analysis, exposure monitoring, and risk assessment
  •   Determining margin and guaranty fund requirements
  •   Establishing acceptable collateral and assessing liquidity requirements
  •   Performing default management procedures


Margin Framework

Our margin framework captures potential price movements over a predetermined close-out period to inform the amount of Initial Margin to collect from each Clearing Member. The Risk Department routinely assesses portfolio risk exposure and margin sufficiency throughout the day, marking positions to market and collecting both Initial Margin and Variation Margin as needed.

Daily assessment of margin coverage sufficiency through volatility analysis that considers historical volatility Filtered Historical Simulation (FHS) based on EWMA volatility analysis, which determines the scanning ranges to be input into the SPAN margin calculator. The portfolio margin level will be calculated using SPAN margin methodology.

Margin Model

Margin requirements of a Clearing Member function as safeguards to mitigate the risk of a Clearing Member defaulting on any financial responsibility tied to their open positions. 

Margin models used by Abaxx Clearing are reviewed and subject to independent assessment and validation of the primary components. Parameters used within the models are reviewed and set by the Abaxx Clearing Risk Department in accordance with policies and procedures approved by all the appropriate Risk Committees. 

On an annual basis, the Risk Department will lead a comprehensive review of the margin framework including an independent assessment and validation of the primary components.

Abaxx's Margin Model methodology follows industry best practices and is based on a FHS / Value-at-Risk (VaR) model and is summarised as follows:

Margin Methodology


Model Assumption A single-tailed confidence level of at least 99%, based on filtered historical returns updated with an EWMA model.   Procyclicality Adjustment – Based on the 10 years parametric floor. 
Procyclicality Adjustment Incorporates a parametric floor based on 10 years of historical volatility data.
Decay factor (λ) 0.94 to 0.99
Lookback Periods 500 days of filtered returns, with a 10-year historical returns for floor 
Margin Period of Risk (MPOR) 2 days (Subject to regular review)
Review Frequency SPAN methodology
Delivery Margin Positions entering delivery period will be subject to discretionary delivery margin imposed per the contract specifications. Regular review of delivery margin rates and factors affecting it, e.g volatility in prices of underlying market prices or disruption in supply and delivery.

Member Initial Margin

The Initial Margin is a returnable deposit based on a Clearing Member’s open positions. It is calibrated to be sufficient to cover the expected cost of closing out a defaulting Clearing Member’s position in normal market conditions to a 99% confidence interval based on the above Margin Model methodology.


Clearing Members may be required to provide additional margins to cover concentration risk, illiquid positions, credit risk or wrong-way risk. Changes to Abaxx Clearing margin parameters are notified via email to market participants as Circulars.


The Initial Margin is calculated as follows:


Risk Margin Framework Diagram



At the discretion of the clearinghouse, risk-based additional margin can also be assessed for:

  1. large exposures
  2. position concentration
  3. counterparty credit risk and
  4. contracts nearing delivery.

Issuance of Margin Calls

Abaxx Clearing will mark positions to market at least twice daily and collect Variation Margin (VM), Initial Margin (IM) and risk-based Additional Margin (AM) from each Clearing Member.


Should margins payable exceed the following quantitative thresholds:

  • Mid-day margin calls will be triggered upon breaching the USD 50,000 threshold during the mid-day margin cycle.
  • Ad-hoc margin calls will be triggered upon breaching the USD 250,000 threshold any time during the trading day.

Acceptable Collateral

Currently acceptable collateral from Clearing Members are US dollars for margin and Guaranty Fund requirements. Additional collateral types will be proposed within the risk advisory committee.




Registered Office: 168 Robinson Road, Capital Tower #12-08, Singapore 068912

Copyright © 2023 Abaxx Exchange Pte Ltd and Abaxx Clearing Pte Ltd. All rights reserved

Version 1.0.0